Otra Locura/ Another crazy idea

From “Armando Pacheco”

Hello friends and family,
At Cabanas El Rucio we also deal with agriculture. At this moment we have hundreds of organic mangoes. WE don’t use chemicals of any kind to grow our fruits. We have an offer for all of you. We will send you by US Post Office priority mail a box full of mangoes for only $15. The box will take between 10 to 12 mangoes, depending on the size of the mangoes. We will package them on a bed of orange tree leafs that you may boil and drink as a tea. You will receive the mangoes in 3-4 days.

Once you pay the $15. at cabanaselrucio.com with a credit card we will send the fruit to you. WE have a Pay Pal account. It says eco-tour. For questions write to me or call me at 787 836-0633 or 347 581 1778.

You may place as many orders as you want to. You may send fruit to anybody in the United States.

Send me an email with the correct address of the person including zipcode.

Yours truly,
Armando Pacheco

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