Puerto Rican Origins

I am looking for a bronze plaque in I saw once in one of the plazas in San Juan.  It depicts the origins of the Puerto Rican.  It shows a Taino Indian in the center, a Spaniard on one side and an African on the other.  Any idea where it is, what it is called or where I might find a photo of it?

One thought on “Puerto Rican Origins

  1. From your description, it sounds as if you’re describing the emblem of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture (Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña). Their San Juan offices are located in the old Asilo de Beneficencia on Norzagaray Street, near the Cuartel de Ballajá. I’m not aware of a plaque being there, unless it was removed at some point. You can see the emblem on their website:


    The only only thing that I know of that is similar is the Raíces fountain in El Paseo de la Princesa, which also shows the roots of Puerto Rican heritage, but that’s a fountain, not a plaque.

    Hope this helps!

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