University of Puerto Rico Recruiting U.S. Puerto Rican Students

UPR busca estudiantes latinos

Por The Associated Press

(11:02 a.m.) Se realizarán charlas en Estados Unidos para los que quieran obtener un grado universitario en la Isla.

SAN JUAN — La Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) y la Administración de Asuntos Federales de Puerto Rico (PRFAA, en inglés) arreciarán esta semana en Estados Unidos una campaña en busca de jóvenes puertorriqueños o latinos que deseen estudiar en la isla.

“Los latinos continuamos rezagados en la obtención de grados universitarios. El aprovechamiento académico de nuestros jóvenes es imprescindible para el desarrollo socio-económico y político de nuestras comunidades”, señaló hoy Eduardo Bhatia, director ejecutivo de PRFAA, cuya sede principal está en Washington.

El programa en el que podrían estudiar los jóvenes es bilingüe y se ofrece en los recintos universitarios de Humacao, Cayey y Río Piedras.

Bhatia destacó que al 2003, tan solo 13.1% de los boricuas mayores de 25 años que residen en los Estados Unidos tenía un bachillerato, en comparación al 34.8% de los blancos, 18.5% de los afro-americanos y el 59% de los asiáticos.

En términos de estudios graduados, el panorama es aún más precario: tan solo 3.1% de los puertorriqueños mayores de 25 años había obtenido diploma de estudios graduados, en comparación a los blancos (8.7%), afro-americanos (4.1%) y asiáticos (15.6%).

Esta semana, la UPR y PRFAA realizarán charlas sobre el programa bilingüe en Connecticut y Massachussets. En octubre y noviembre, las charlas se moverán a Pennsylvania, Nueva Jersey y Florida.

6 thoughts on “University of Puerto Rico Recruiting U.S. Puerto Rican Students

  1. soy mariel rios de argentina, estudio la carrera de licenciatura en gobierno y relaciones internacionales en buenos aires, y mi pregunta era si hay alguna posibilidad de intercambio para mi, ya que me gustaria mucho vivir en puerto rico, al menos por un tiempo. desde ya muchisimas gracias!


  2. I was wondering if there is any possibilities to bring Puertorican student from United States to study a higher degree in education and performing arts, specifically dance education. I am MFA candidate in dance education/choreography and performance and would be delighted of one day come back to my island and narture the incredible talent of my Puertorican people.

  3. Soy lic. en Románicas de CCNY ’79 y MS en Educación ’01. He vivido y enseñado en México, Rep. Dom., Holanda y España. Soy padre adoptivo de un huérfano puertorriqueño que ha vuelto a vivir en la isla. Estoy sumamente orgullos de él.

    La política de la UPR es discriminatoria y corrupta en cuanto a no seguir las leyes federales relacionados a los discapacitados.

    (Me pregunta ¿si será porque la piel de mi hijo es un tanto oscura? El racismo dentro de la institución aun no se sabe si aplica, o tal vez si, ya que 80% el propio census de la isla se proclama como de raza blanca?)

    El campus principal en Rio Piedras ni si quiera tiene oficina para poder atender a los alumnos solicitantes discapacitados, a pesar de que tenía puesto en la entrada del las oficinas de admisiones el reglamentario federal en cuanto al trato de dicha sector de la sociedad y reciben fondos para tales medidas.

    El caso es grave ya que se trata de un traslado de un centro PUBLICO (The State University of New York at New Paltz, ente que los representantes de la UPR de admisiones consideraron como institución privada?) al UPR, ente publico, que por parte se rige por directivas federales.

    El campus de Rio Piedras es muy bointo con los cortes en las banquetas para facilitar el acceso a gente menos capacitada, pero cuando he estado allí ni un alumno o visitante en silla de ruedas jamás he visto.

    Cuando se anuncian en esta página que hay una política de buscar alumnos bilingües, puede ser, válido pero toman en cuenta de que no están preparados para recibir gente, gente de su propio pueblo que ha recibido un trato totalmente deficiente en EE.UU. en cuanto a su formación educativa.

    La respuesta de los funcionarios, que no se identificaron, dijo que nos vayamos “a otra institución privada, donde hayan mas posibilidades de practicar mas discreciones…” ¡Eso a pesar de haber hecho una solicitud con toda aseguramiento de que sería simple traslado!

    A mi no me gusta entra en la política, pero cuando se anuncian mentiras, las consecuencias pueden llegar a ser graves.

    Los derechos de los alumnos del UPR no están siendo servidos por imparcialidad y claramente la tendencia política de dicha institución es hacia su privatización.

  4. Professor Universitario in Argentina
    By Eduardo Marcelo Cocca (*)

    We must have in sure if we want an artisan university education, amateur, or an education into the hands of true professionals in fact and of right, as it corresponds and we deserve ourselves, and mainly in a serious country in, where it must reign over all the State of Right, to all we must prohang so that its exercise, is not an expression of desires, but a reality, to which all without no doubt we aspired.

    The habitual thing, as much in universities you publish like private and with the consent of its authorities, Professors Universitarios, they are only in fact, they hold a degree race as much and they as the authorities, consider sufficient merit to qualify them like professors, in open contradiction with the laws that regulate the exercise of the profession, L.E.S. Art. 36, Penal Code, etc.

    From a strictly legal point of view we are as opposed to a flagrant violation of the law, penal crimes including, I believe that it is not necessary to remember that all citizen has obligation to know the law, nor that to say if he is lawyers.

    Displeased and gladly as much you participate necessary, like authorities that they name in these positions, are incursas in crime, to remember CP, when it says that that it designates to us somebody without I title sufficient, we can close the eyes or to watch for another side, as we have done until now, but later nonos we complain the results or we look for expiatorios chivos in the secondary school, when the true problem, nucleus of this question is the same university, that sure handled by amateurs and nontrue professionals, titleholders the results cannot be other that those that they are exhibited, lamentably.

    The National State, through Ministry of Education grants as it corresponds, authorization to different universities you publish and private, the permission for the postgraduate of Professor Universitario and later granting of I title corresponding, after attended and approved curricula it specifies of the race.

    However, the great majority of the professionals who exert like educational college students, except for rare exceptions, lacks I title of Professor Universitario.

    Professor Universitario, when this in class in front of the pupils, not this in quality of lawyer, judge, doctor, engineer, etc., but acting as and carrying out the roll of Professor Universitario, and for which and he falls of mature which its race of degree is not sufficient for the professional exercise like Professor Universitario, as marks to the common sense and the regulations to it of the laws.

    Prime facie, these professionals, without I title of Professor Universitario, would be reached about the Art. 246. – inc.1. – Usurpation of Titles. – of the Penal Code, that says: the one that exerted or will assume functions you publish without I title. – Art., 247. – According to law 24527. – Usurpation of Titles, – Penal Code. – that says: the one that it will exert own acts of a profession ……, without having I title …… and soon it says: the one that arrogare academic degrees, professional titles or honors that will not correspond to him. The law of Superior Education N* 24521, Art. 36, say to us: the educational ones of all the categories must have I title equal college student of or superior level to that in which they exert teaching ………, that is that if they exert like Professor Universitario, as taxativamente marks the law to it, must have I title of Professor Universitario, in addition to I title of the degree race that qualifies it in the specialty.

    The universities grant I title of Professor Titular, Associate, Associate or Head of Practical Works. Him memory although seems a truth of Perogrullo, to accede to I title of Professor Universitario, is necessary to attend and to approve certain curricula. The law of Superior Education, that the one that norm, contains and gives legal frame to the universities, nor even in the paragraph referred to the university autonomy, says nowhere that these can name any professional with I title insufficient like Professor Universitario.

    From the point of view of the Right, we suppose that somebody that exerts the profession of Lawyer, but does not know that it is the Civil Code, nor that it was Vélez Sarsfield, with complete certainty no lawyer would accept this situation, nevertheless most of Professors Universitarios (in fact), they do not know whom was Amos Comenius, nor whom to say of its “Magna Didactics”, or even but in our days, the colleague Abogado and Pedagogo Paulo Freire, perhaps but the important one in the history of the Latin American education, with his text celebrates” the Pedagogía of the Pressed one “.

    Professor Universitario, has the prevailing obligation to know, perfectly and deeply, didactic currents, so that in agreement with his loyal one to know and to understand, and after all the pertinent analyses, they will enlist themselves in the conductista current, humanist, mixed constructivista or, or even some personal elaboration based on knowledge that the specialists elaborated day to day, for those to which really he concerns the university education to us we water.

    The same he happens to as it is the education methodology, which we will apply with the pupils, will be linear, concentric or espiralada, the handling of anyone of these techniques, must be something so habitual for the true professional, who fulfills the roll of Professor Universitario, like speaking or writing for anyone of us.

    The exposed thing until here, does not get to be nor the end of iceberg.

    Then gentlemen of once `by all to arrived moment to put us trousers long, and that we assume like cannot be of another way, that cannot be exerted a profession, nor to be a professional of the same one without I title habilitarte.

    Like colofón and to leave obviously demonstrated all the exposed one up to here, we say that every month we received alms, to which the universities call pays, and the remunerations are for Junior instructor, jtp, associate, associated or to title, I insist to anyone of these categories arrived by a magical varita that inmerecidamente I inmerecidamente designate them against of all the laws of the sector I even reiterate the Penal Code, that in this case do not act its as preventive like would have and all we are waiting for the unrestricted fulfillment of the norm Would be desirable, that the competent authorities and giving a term of 24 or 36 months, so that present Professors Universitarios in fact, become Professors Universitarios in fact and of right, for own pride and of all the educative community.

    Subjects to debate Professors Right Universitarios in fact or in fact and of Professors Professional Universitarios of the education or amateurs of the university education

    Bibliography Law of Superior Education Nro. 24521 Argentine Penal Code

    (*) Solicitor, Lawyer and Professor Universitario.Docente with the position of Head of Practical Works, during 24 months, in the Faculty of Right of the Hill University of Zamora, in chair the Social and Right Latin American Reality. Educational in the Faculty of Right, the Maimonides University, in the chair of Enterprise Right (Straight Constitutional direction). Educational in charge of the chairs “Economy and Legislation “and Exercise and Pharmaceutical Administration” in the University Kennedy. Educational of Legislation and Customs Practice in the University Kennedy. Educational of Administrative Right in the University Kennedy. Professor Adjunto, of Political Economy, in the race of Law of the Inter-American Open University. Professor of Legal Aspects of Computer science, the Lic. in Computer science Systems, the University Kennedy. Professor Universitario, withdrawn like so, of the University Teaching staff of the Maimonides University. Colegiado, registered in the School I publish of Lawyers of the Federal Capital (Volume 74; Folio 0976) and in the Federal Camera De Apelaciones of the Silver (Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation), (Volume 201; Folio 795)

    Personal page Prof. Cocca

    envoy by Eduardo Marcelo Cocca

  5. me gustaria estudiar en puerto rico, quisiera saber si es posible, cuanto cuesta el semestre para estudiar odontologia general. si es facil para un hispano ingresar a una universidad en puerto rico?

  6. me gustaria tener informacion sobre los pasos a seguir para estudiar en puerto rico una carrera universitaria ya que la UPR esta en busca de estudiantes latinos.

    les agradezco su atencion a esta pregunta y todo lo que puedan hacer para orientarme.

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