8 thoughts on “SUMMER READING LIST: What’s yours?

  1. Some favorites
    For Me
    Boricua Pop by Frances Negron
    Barrio Dreams by Arlene Davila
    La Ayuda Militar Como Negocio by Humberto Garcia Muñiz

    For my daughter
    Nueva York by Nicholasa Mohr
    El Bronx Remembered also by Mohr

  2. summer readin’
    Due to a movie reference (in “Reality Bites”) and to recently seeing the film “Sylvia”, I’m starting “The Bell Jar”. “leorules@fergus.com” (sp?) is good so far, i almost done w/ it

  3. RE: summer readin
    Her poetry is even better. Check out her anthology called Colosus. That poem, which gives the book its title, is about her dad.

    Excellent work. I’m now reading EXPLICIT CONTENT by Black Artemis. It’s a very good first novel by a Boricua from the Bronx Hip Hop culture.

  4. great summer reading
    Boricua: Influential Puerto Rcan Writings edited by Roberto Santiago
    Down these mean streets by Piri Thomas
    Cuando era Puertorriqueña & Almost a woman by Esmeralda Santiago

  5. Cuba
    Hola, amigos! My name is Sergio. I was on Cuba in 1997 in July. Was in Habana, city of Trinidad, Varadero and also went on Cuba. I shall be glad to communicate with personas which too were on Cuba and count these days one of the best in the life. I shall be especially glad to receive letters from inhabitants of Cuba or the Cubans living behind borders of Cuba. Write to the following address in English:


    My site: http://www.rusocubano.narod.ru/


  6. Summer Reading
    (1) The Hispanic Condition-Ilan Stavans
    (2) Voices of a New Chicana/o History-Refugio Rochin
    (3) Barrio Dreams-Arlene Davila
    (4) Columbus’s Outpost Among the Tainos–Kathleen Deagan

  7. Los Libros De Verano and Fall
    What I read and am reading summer and afterwards to get my mind off the political madness coming in November:

    Yo Mama’s Dysfunktional – By Robin Kelley
    Black No More – George Schuyler
    Critical White Studies – Ed. Richard Delgado
    Pelo Bueno – Bonafide Rojas
    The Puerto Rican Movement – Ed. Torres & Velasquez
    Committed to Breathing – Tony Medina
    Maraca – Victor Hernandez Cruz

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