Tag Archives: Hands Help Hands Foundation

Despierta America TV Show Deserves Deportation

I Just saw one of the biggest insults to the Puertorrican community in this garbage show. They had a scene in today’s 02/25/09 show at approximately 08:45 AM that by the means of using a man they made sure that who ever saw it saw the Puertorrican Community as a very disrespectful, uneducated and lying community. I’m a born and raised Puertorrican man residing in NYC for 30 years. I am a professional educated man that has helped the Hispanic community constantly. I have helped Fundacion Manos a la Ayuda, Hands Help Hands Foundation created by my sister bring trailers full of medical equipment for needed children to the Dominican Republic and Honduras. Roberto Clemente died in 1972 in an airplane accident bringing help to Nicaragua. I can go on an on giving examples of what the Puertorican Community has done for our culture and rights not only here in the USA but the entire world. I believe that the production of Despieta America as well as Univision owe the Puertorrican community an apology for this injustice. Call Univision and Demand such